torsdag den 16. juli 2009

Makoto Jabuki: white box

Hurray for discovering new websites with fine things like this!

White Box from makoto yabuki on Vimeo.

mandag den 13. juli 2009

a good cup

pen on paper 55 x 40 cm
This was a gift I made for my sisters birthday. I didn't know exactly what I wanted to make, but I had a few ideas in my head. The overall thing was to make it sweet, but not to sweet.

So, happy birthdsy sis! :)

lørdag den 11. juli 2009

I love details part3

pen on paper (21 x 29cm) You can't really plan a drawing like this. You just draw one thing and that leads to another, then you put the drawing away for a while, then you find it again and ad more details untill there's no more paper to draw on.

I love details part2

pen on paper (21 x 29cm) Probably the most abstract thing I've made.. a sketcbook thing but with I love details value.

I love details part1.

Pen on paper (21 x 29cm)

Rendition - a little political action!

blue pen and watercolour on paper (21 x 29 cm)

I didn't know if i should post this or not, but ended up doing so. A year ago my friend wrote an assignment about renditions. Illegal movement and interrogation of prisoners. This action is a serious offend to human rights and the interrogation methods used are not far from torture.

I made this drawing after talking with my friend about her assignment. The subject made a pretty big impression on me and this just came out in creative frustration i think. Its one of the only watercolours I've made and I like the look of it. Fortunately my friend didn't have a front page image, so she used this. A week later I came to realize that the table in the picture is missing a leg. Strange how a thing like that slips your mind.

a little tour from the sketchbook

all pen on paper

97 Fish!

Pen on paper - 21 x 29 cmThis was something I started with the intention of drawing a chinese/old ninja looking fish. But the patterns took over and i ended up with 96 more fish.

Not long after it was my dad's birthday, so my friend and I sew a couple of pillows and hand printed (silkscreen) some of the fishes from the drawing in a flowery pattern on to the pillows. I think the result came out pretty cool.

Here it is!

Finally! I've captured a small selection of my drawings to put up on the site. And changed the logo a little bit, so now it actually looks kinda cool. Hope you'll have a good time. This is a photo of my homemade light table in my bedroom. A desktop lamp and a piece of plasticglass are really the main essentials.